Fitness Class Instructions

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Fitness Class Instructions are to be found below and apply to both the in-person and virtual options.

For In-Person Fitness Classes:

Face coverings are required, this must be a disposable or cloth face covering. Face shields only are no longer acceptable.

The number of class participants will be limited by the size of the space to be sure everyone is able to keep at least 6 feet apart in low/moderate intensity classes and at least 10 feet apart in higher intensity classes. Be sure to register for the class below to ensure your spot.

Transition times between classes has been increased to at least 30 minutes to provide time for cleaning and ensure class participants in the spaces do not overlap.

All equipment will be disinfected by our staff after each class.

Participants must arrive to class before it begins. Check-in will happen outside of the door to any fitness spaces and the participant will be directed to a certain space. Entry will not be allowed into the class once it has started.

It is recommended that participants bring their own yoga mats.

Storage for backpacks and personal items is currently very limited in the facilities and fitness spaces. Please bring minimal personal items with you to class.

Click here for a PDF of the Spring 2021 In Person Fitness Class Schedule

For Virtual Fitness Classes:

These will be held via Zoom.

Please register for a virtual class using the registration process below. Once you register you will be emailed the Zoom link and invitation to join the class!

You can choose if you would or would not like to turn on your own camera while participating in our Zoom classes.

Click here for a PDF of the Spring 2021 Live Online Fitness Class Schedule.

If you have any questions on the In-Person or Virtual Fitness Class Instructions please use the contact form below:-

    This page is linked from the Gyms & Fitness Messenger Sequence offered as part of Padco Marketing’s 3 Month Free Messenger Interactions Trial. To find out more go Here.

    To experience the Messenger Sequences go Here.

    Messenger Sequences are provided by Borneo Bots & Business.

    To Your Fitness,

    David James Salvidge