Instagram DM Automation

Home » Instagram DM Automation

Instagram DM Automation – Utilizing New Messenger Features To Boost Profits From Instagram Followers

Instagram DM Automation is becoming available to your Instagram account very soon, if not already. Facebook is rolling out this functionality over the next 3-4 months depending on the number of followers you currently have. If, for example, you have between 10,000 and 100,000 followers you are able to implement DM automation now. In July those accounts with between 1,000 and 10,000 will be eligible. Those accounts that have more than 100,000 will have to wait until September to be allowed to use this facility, unless you are on an approved list.

A major problem that Instagram account holders have is that they cannot personally respond to all the DM’s they receive, especially as their following grows. By the inability to respond quickly, if at all, many Instagram businesses lose, not only valuable sales but also followers, to their competitors. As more people turn to online shopping this problem will only get worse.

In a recent Facebook survey 75% of people asked responded that they wanted the ability to message business before making a purchase, and 64% prefer to use a message service rather than email or phone.

In order to bring Messenger like automations to DM’s, and allow interoperability, Facebook recently announced the rollout of major new upgrades to the DM system. This allowing of Messenger style automations of Instagram DM’s will bring in the ability to respond to all DM’s with a pre written message or sequence.

These new automation rules give ecommerce stores/brands the ability to monetise Instagram in a way that they didn’t think was possible before, while building email and sms lists, additionally helping them monetise those channels, so creating three brand new monetisable channels, all from their current Instagram followers.

Just think, how powerful is that?

From initial trials undertaken with large commercial accounts Facebook has proven that automation of DM’s produces impressive increases in turnover, followers with a corresponding reduction in man hours used.

We now have Instagram approved software installed and all Instagram accounts have the access to this facility.

To Your Success,

David James Salvidge


I’m looking to help 4 influencers or brands each month, grow their Instagram account with completely free set up (for a limited time), and monetise it using automated messaging, while acquiring more followers and building up email & SMS lists.

If this is of interest to you please DM me @padcomarketing with details of your account so we can see how we can help you build your account, Book a Call with me to discuss how we can help, or use Messenger.

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