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Restaurant Review Sequence

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Restaurant Review Sequence that we provide in our Three Months FREE Trial is not only applicable to restaurants. With a little modification it can be made suitable for any other business.

Some easy adaptations would be for cafes, bistros, coffee shops, pubs & bars, even fast food outlets. Hotel restaurants and food outlets that cater to non residents could also easily use this sequence.

In fact, with creative thinking, some editing and a change in images, this sequence could be easily adapted to any business. Contact us with your ideas and we’d be happy to work with you to bring your ideas to reality.

Any constructive comments are appreciated. If you have any suggestions as to how this sequence could be adapted or improved, please feel free to Contact Us using the web form, or directly by Messenger.

One of the most underutilised methods of attracting customer reviews is by attracting input using QR codes. Customers can easily scan a QR code on their mobile which in turn directs them to a review form. Or, in our case, a Messenger sequence. Either way is an efficient method of improving customer feedback and gaining subscribers.

Restaurant Review QR Code
Restaurant Review QR Code

When you ask for feedback from your customers it makes them feel more valued. Everyone likes to have their opinions heard, and you can listen to what your customers actually want and think, as opposed to what you think they want!

There is also the opportunity to offer an inducement to leave a review, in the form of an offer or discount voucher. A voucher in this sequence.

We also instill a humerous element by using some funny (to us) gif’s.

When you get your customers to subscribe to your Messenger, sms or email lists it gives you permission to contact them again in the future. There are rules you must comply with, obviously, or you will bear the consequences. The risk is either having your customers unsubscribe, being banned from the service and even prosecuted for law breaking.

If you want to sign up for a Restaurant Review Sequence as part of our Three Months FREE Trial Promotion check out the offer Here.

Restaurant Review Sequence that we provide in our Three Months FREE Trial
Restaurant Review sequence layout

We look forward to working with you in the future.

David James Salvidge