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The Lifetime Platinum Membership Offer Price Increases on 11th July 2021. Upgrade Today Before You Miss All The Lifetime Benefits!

Hurry Up! Offer ends in 29 days 14 hours 42 minutes 56 seconds


The Move To Groove by Padco Marketing is starting this week following the recent launching of Groove Blog. This new addition to the Groove family has been launched much earlier than projected, as it was scheduled in the phase 3 roll-out.

New websites owned and operated by Padco Marketing, and hosted on the platform include Podiums Agency and Ecommerce Print on Demand.

Currently Padco Marketing (and you can too) has access to the following Groove apps:-

Move To Groove, and Save Thousands of Dollars a Year

As Padco Marketing is a Lifetime Platinum Member of Groove we have access to all those apps that are current, and will gain access to all the new apps as they are released. We paid a one time fee to become a beta tester and Lifetime Member as we saw the long term value in this company and the business software suite they are developing.

When You become a Lifetime Platinum Member You too will have access to all these apps, and more, as they are released…

The Lifetime Platinum Membership is still available, but not for much longer I know. In fact it has just been announced by Mike Filsaime that the Lifetime Platinum price will rise on July 11th 2021. The price is expected to be $1497 but there is pressure to raise it to $1997. Either way you need to get in quick, the clock is ticking on this great deal.

Also note that the built in affiliate commission rate will drop from 40% to 30% from that date. Another good reason to get in now!

Monthly fess will be introduced soon, probably as early as December 15th 2021, and will be $97 ($1188/year) and $299 per month ($3588/year). This makes the Lifetime Platinum Membership such great value at only $1397 (payment options available). At the equivalent features level Lifetime pays for itself in less than 5 months at $299/month. No brainer using that math is it?

Hurry Up! Offer ends in 29 days 14 hours 42 minutes 56 seconds

How many of these apps can you use on your websites or in your business? Join Today and get all these, and more, Free For Life! Make Your Move To Groove before they start charging $299 per month, and save around $3,500 per year, or more, FOR EVER!

Mike Filsaime mentioned in the last Groove Update webinar that they will also be developing GroovePipeline, GrooveFunnel Marketing and GrooveStream. Exciting new products that will make Groove the Ultimate Supplier of Everything you need to sell products and services online.

Hurry Up! Offer ends in 29 days 14 hours 42 minutes 56 seconds
Upgrade To Groove Lifetime Platinum Membership
Upgrade To Groove Lifetime Platinum Membership Today

I never mentioned the phenomenal trainings and support provided by Groove in Facebook Groups, Videos and in their websites. You’ll never be stuck for a solution to a problem for long as the Groove Family are also very helpful.

I look forward to seeing you in the Facebook group soon.

To Your Grooveyness,

David James Salvidge

PS, If you have any questions about Move to Groove please contact us on Facebook Messenger or contact us here.